
Saturday, March 26, 2011

4 Steps to Make a Chocolate Fondant


This week I am going to make a Classic French Dessert-Fondant au Chocolate
Normally called it Chocolate Fondant and also goes by different names as Chocolate Lava Cake, Molten Chocolate cake or Chocolate Fondant pudding.  

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Your Reviews on Dessert.S -"Marble Cheesecake"

The Latest Comment from Marble Cheesecake:

@Desidero:Wow, this looks great! I'm making a cheesecake tomorrow, my first time! It's a no bake recipe as our oven is awful for baking. I love the idea of blueberries in a cheesecake, might just have to try it out!xx

Retweets:11,Comments:15 on Sina Twitter

142 Impressions on Facebook Fanpage

Your Lastest reviews of Pancakes on Dessert.S

Latest Comments from You:
@SumoCat: "Sarah,  I followed your Post to make a British Pancake, its awesome!~"

(Background music is "Airport Lounge"-from http://incompetech.com/m/c/royalty-free/index.html?genre=Jazz)

Sunday, March 06, 2011