
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Your Reviews on Dessert.S -"Marble Cheesecake"

The Latest Comment from Marble Cheesecake:

@Desidero:Wow, this looks great! I'm making a cheesecake tomorrow, my first time! It's a no bake recipe as our oven is awful for baking. I love the idea of blueberries in a cheesecake, might just have to try it out!xx

Retweets:11,Comments:15 on Sina Twitter

142 Impressions on Facebook Fanpage

Hey,Guys, Let’s check out how many comments I have got from my “Marble Chocolate Cheesecake”.

11 Retweets, 21 Comments, >200 Impressions on Facebook Fanpages and Sina Twitter

11Retweets and 21Comments on my Tweets about my last post-【Marble Chocolate Cheesecake】, that ‘s really inspiring !!!

Thanks all of you for sharing and giving me such sweet comments ~ every time I saw your comments and praise on my dessert tweets or from my blog, I was just like being surrounded by love and warm encouragement from all of you. Each of you is my precious ingredient of the “♨Dessert.S®”.Your constant support is my motivation of keeping going, lov you all!~
Stay Tuned !~
Here are the comments from Sina weibo and the Marble Cheesecake Post! I have collected all of them and I am gonna show them here: (Notes: The “Comments Bar” below will simultaneously to be added as soon as Anyone who comments on the Post or on Sina Weibo(@SarahWW), or on Facebook
Click the Image below and you will directly link to the Sina Weibo Page or Website of each Person!

Comments Bar:

@mandy:"Hey!~Sarah~ I am your royal audience,
you made it, you made it!~"
@Commebebe:"wow~It looks too se

@Neo:"It looks Great!~just can't wait to ta
ste it!~"

@Neo:" It looks Yummy~ I am thinking of rushing into your house and have a bite!~"
@shraon:“I am late~ I just want to shout out:" I even cant count how many pieces I have eaten~!!! it means happiness to me~!"

@shraon:"wow, it taste rich, excellent. try to make it, you also enjoy the fabulous cheesecake."
@SmallP:"It looks absolutely Awesome!~"
@Yuyu Xu:" I am filled with a sweet moment when I waked up this morning and saw the dessert post just makes me can't wait to try a marble chocolate cheesecake of my own !!~"

@Lillagreca:"I’m a cheesecake lover so I’m definitely going to try this! Thank you for sharing! Wonderful photography!"

@Jill:"I love marble cheesecake! The color of the surface seems very good. Can’t wait for the next pastry!"

Giving your Comments and You will be the Next ◤@……◢ on ♨Dessert.S® !

To become Next ◤@……◢on ♨Dessert.S® Wall:

  1. Leave Your Comments Below
  2. @SarahWW in Sina Weibo
  3. Like "Dessert.S" on Facebook

To be Continued… (Keep Updating…)

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