
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Have Your Comments on "Scones"

Hey,Guys,It finally comes to the time to check out how many comments I got for my British Scone. I have already got totally 19 Retweets and 23Comments on my Tweets about my last post-【British Scones】, that ‘s really inspiring !!! Thank you all of you for sharing and giving me such sweet comments ~ every time I saw your comments and praise on my dessert tweets or from my blog, I was just like being surrounded by love and warm encouragement from all of you. Each of you is my precious ingredient of the ♨Dessert.S®”. Your constant support is my motivation of keeping going, lov you all!~ Stay Tuned !~

Here are the comments from Sina weibo and the Scones Post! I have collected all of them and I am gonna show them here:

(Notes: The “Comments Bar” below will simultaneously to be added as soon as Anyone who comments on the Post -"Sonces"or on Sina Weibo(@SarahWW).)

Click the Image below and you will directly link to the Sina Weibo Page of each Person! Let’s start “Share”, start “Social”!

Comments Bar:
@Jill :“I love scone, especially cinnamon favor scone. And you should put some dried raspberry or blueberry into the mixture. I promise you the taste will be super!”

@sum:" My afternoon tea~~"

@small P:"It stimulates my apetite~ your derection is simple and clear, and most importatnt, you are so sweet , you add the chinese version of it, which is really helpful! Thanks~ Keep going Sarah!~"

@sharon:" I have it for my afternoon tea today! it tastes awesome!!!~it tastes better so much than those scones selling in supermarket here. I bet I would never buy them again...."今天下午吃了这个,好吃的不得了。。。。和超市里的卖的不能比的,以后再也不吃超市里的scones了~"

@sharon:" Thanks Sarah preparing this yummy scones for my afternoon tea! I always calling it wrong as "stone" , it's Brilliant!~" SaraWW精心准备的下午茶,Scones,我一直误叫做Stone~味道狠不错!~lov"

@CommeBebe:"Oh~must to Retweet it!!!"哇!必须要转!~"

@xuyuyu:"OH~Scones!~Brillian!~Sarah you really spent so much effort on it!~keeping going!~"英式松饼~灵的灵的!~S小姐果然很用心~"

@ChantelLan:"Oh~ Dear, I want to eat it!!!!!!!~"亲爱的我也要吃!!!!!!"

@Ryan""That's Awesome! Must to Retweet it!!!"太强了!~必须转啊!~"

@moreci:" Wow~ I am thinking of you are in a beautiful dress and carrying a basket with delicious desserts, what a cozy afternoon~"哦嗨哟。我看见你穿着英式礼裙提着篮子,好惬意啊~"

@Lina:"It looks Fantastic!!!"太赞了"

@Shane:"Great,great,great! it looks yummy~mouth watering now!~"灵灵灵~看的口水直流啊~~~"

@serena:”oh~!that's Brilliant!~Who can resist this kind of temptation?! shout again, I wanna lose my weight!~"太罪恶了,谁受的了这种诱惑啊, 再大喊一声,我要减肥肥肥!!"


Giving your Comments and You will be the Next ◤@……◢ on ♨Dessert.S® !
To become Next ◤@……◢on ♨Dessert.S®:
  1. Leave your Comments Below
  2. @SarahWW in Sina Weibo
  3. Like "Dessert.S" on Facebook
To be Continued… (Keep Updating…)


  1. wow,I have found me in a special position. video is sooooo brilliant. i like it. bty, i am the first people comment on this post. hahhaha

  2. haha~because you subscribe my blog and once I upload a new post you will simultaneously receive my newsletter~ I am very happy to know that you love this video~ yep~you are the final glance of the video~ btw,you looks gorgeous in it!~haha~


  3. oh, this song will let me happy. i love it. let me tell you i have seen it lots of time. I want the full song~~

  4. 我又来啦来啦来啦!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. 哈哈~oh yeah!~开心开心!~我bet你没做scone~!~
