
Monday, February 28, 2011

Make an classic Italy Tiramisu on Dessert.S 意式提拉米苏

A Classic Italian Dessert- 【Tiramisu】, means "Pull Me Up" in English

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Happy Valentines Day, make a Crème Brûlée for love

What is the date today? It is the 14th of February. It is the day that we would learn from the swans. "why?" "Why not?" Is it sounds a bit buzzard? Would it make any sense if I told you that English swans are not shy of a public display of affection? Definitely,It must be a great day for thousands of girls and boys who are in a sweet relationship. Let me guess, you may have already booked a fantastic restaurant for a romantic night, or you may buy a huge brunch of red rose or blue violets in to your trunk to give a big surprise for the girl; or just a box of chocolate would be sweet enough for the lovers...
There are three big words must be the theme of this Valentine's Day's dessert. Sweet, Heart and Love. traditionally, people will express their love by presenting flowers or sending Valentines Card. In modern days, the figure of the winged Cupid, heart-shaped outline, chocolate, doves would also be the popular symble on the special occasion.  On this special day, why not surprise your loved ones with a classic French dessert-Crème Brulee made by yourself? or if you still asked God" Why didn't Cupid aimed his arrow at me", don't be sad and grasp this sweet moment to treat yourself with this dessert on the sweet day...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

About ♨Dessert.S ®

I am SarahWW
This is my Bilingual Blog
Obviously, from its name you might guess out the blog is about Dessert~Yep! That's True!
It is a Social Platform of making desserts, talking about desserts and enjoying being part of it!

But wait.......It's definitely beyond "Dessert"

Because the "Dessert" still followed by an ".S"....

could stands for me @SarahWW: Given myself some TAGs like: Desserts, Music, Trombone, Weibo Addict (twitter), Smile, New Media, Shanghai, Cancer
(star sign)...

could be the plural form of "Dessert", cuz there are not only just one piece of cake here~I will explore several recipes for a certain dessert, which would help you to have a try and find the best one for yourself.

could stands for "Simple": Don't worry if you a fresh hand, I will promise you that the process of making desserts would be simple and btw, I am a fresh hand as well and currently anti-complicated thing!~

could stands for "Social": "Dessert.S" is an active social com
munity of interactive sharing, healthy experiencing and lifestyle enjoyment, I need your participation, your comments, and your share of enjoyment.

It is a special Site especially designed for You-My Friends. Anyone who comment and share my post in blog or Sina Weibo, or Facebook, or Twitter would be simultaneously added a Link with their name on the Wall.

It is a platform for everyone gather together and getting start to follow or share moments with each other. As I said that Each one of You is the Greatest Ingredient of My "Dessert.S", I hope You could help me to Cover the Full Wall, and find some friends from there~
Looking Forward You would be Showed as

could stands for
"Sweet": Desserts + Friends = Sweet Life/Moment!

Basically, I will post one classic, simple making dessert each week . However, I am not gonna bored you by simple guiding the making process.

You are the crucial part of my blog,Your comments and Your Tweets/Retweets on the Blog, Weibo (Twitter), Facebook would be inserted into my posts.
It must be interesting to involving all of my friends accompanied with me to start this new Journey!!!

Looking forward to hearing from each one of you! :)

I would like to embracing more Explanations of ".S" from You, what would do you think the special meaning might behind ?
(It could be titled for a "tiny Joke", or a "tiny novel", or a "tiny conversation"....)

Do let me have Your ".S"!!!:)

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  3. Twitter @SarahWW