Sunday, February 20, 2011

Your Comments on"Crème Brûlée"

I was so thrilled! After I post my tweet - "Creme Brulee for Valentine's Day" at Sina Weibo on the day after Valentin's Day, it has been re tweeted at least 13 times and got 12 comments!~ (and I am a greedy girl, I want MORE!~)

@SarahWW:"Yesterday, I made a Special Dessert for Valentine's Day-"Creme Brulee", (Check it on "♨Dessert.S®"!) Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!!!""]@SarahWW:"Yesterday, I made a Special Dessert for Valentine's Day-"Creme Brulee", (Check it on "♨Dessert.S®"!) Happy Valentine's Everyone!!!"

Here are the comments from Sina weibo! I have collected them and I am gonna show them here:

(Notes: The "Comments Bar" below  will simultaneously to be added as soon as anyone who comments on the Post or on Sina Weibo(@SarahWW).)

(Click the Image below and you will directly link to the Sina Weibo Page of each Person! Let's start "Share", start "Social", start "Sina weibo"!!!~

"@limao:" I have to Re-tweet it, its too Gilivable!!!"

@Wendy sakuraJ:" Gosh!....I will gain my weight again...!"

@Ichloel :" Bravo!!! Ask for Instructions!" "Bravo!!!

@echo:“Genius!!! unbelievable~How can you made it?!"

"It looks Great! tell me how to make it later, I will have a try!"

@Yvon :”you are good at this!~"

@olinda:" OMG!~ It looks so tasty!~I am a dessert-holic! it looks just as the pudding I ate in ManJi (HK restaurant)!~" “

@chen ryan:"Sarah, you are absolutely fantastic! you have to make it for us when you back on summer vacation~!"

@Vickyswj:"retweet@limao:"wow! it looks absolutely gorgeous!~"

@Scotland Mint:"I guess I just want to eat it!~"

@AngelaZZW:"You have to make it for me on summer vacation, I want a real one!!!" ”


@XuYuyu:" You are Awesome!~en~" "
@XuYuyu:" You are Awesome!~en~" "你很厉害,恩~”

@babarabla :“mark!!! its awesome, teach me!~ "mark!!!
@Rachel:"It's Geliable~clever in mind and skillful in hand ~Excellent!~""O(∩_∩)O Excellent!""]

Who is next ◤@......◢ on ♨Dessert.S® ?
Sharing your View and You will show on "♨Dessert.S®""]

To become Next  ◤@......◢on ♨Dessert.S®:
  1. Leave your Comments Below
  2. @SarahWW in Sina Weibo

To be Continued... (Updating...)


  1. Wow, your blog is so impressive! I can't immagine how much time and energy you spent on it. The "comments" post is a brilliant marketing tactic. I've subscribed your blog. Can't wait to see more posts! XOXO, Jill

  2. aaa!!!JIll~!Thanks for your support and compliment!~Big hug for You!!!~
    The ides of "who is next "◤@……◢" on ♨Dessert.S®" is simple , I just want the "Dessert.S" to be the Hub of this growing "web" linked with all of my friends,Each of You would be the precious "ingredients" of the "Dessert.S", and each of you labeling a very Unique "icing" of ".S"!
    I really enjoy the "Comment Matters" section of each post! It just motivates me to keeping going and pumps life into the "Dessert.S"!~

    Thanks for subscribing it~ stay tunned! haha~
    lov you!!!:*

    @SarahWW, XOXO.

  3. 这么给?? 心灵手巧 O(∩_∩)O Excellent

  4. 这么给?!就这么给!哈哈~thx~Rachel!~ you are supposed to speak in English~ ;)
